
Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Dorr Capital and how are they affiliated with RealAlt® investments?

Dorr Capital was founded in 2011. It is a Commercial Real Estate Mortgage Broker, Lender and loan servicing. Dorr Capital has had $2.2 billion dollars in loans since inception, and in 2021, processed $633 million dollars in loan transactions. For more information, please visit Dorr Capital website.

Who can invest in RealAlt® Investments?

Non-accredited and Accredited investors and investors qualifying under Offering Memorandum (OM) can invest in RealAlt®.

To request more information about who can invest in RealAlt® Investments, please click here to fill out our Investor Form, or contact our Dealing Representative:

Harshil Meraiya

416.484.9747, Ext. 21


Can I hold units in my RRSP, RRIF, TFSA, or any other registered plan?

Yes, you can. RealAlt® Investments units can be held inside most of the registered retirement plans (RRSP, TFSA, etc.). To learn more about how to hold units in your registered retirement plans, please click here to fill out our Investor Form, or contact our Dealing Representative:

Harshil Meraiya

416.484.9747, Ext. 21

What is the minimum investment required?

For Series A and E, the minimum investment is $25,000 and $10,000.

What is the average interest return per year?

As of June 30, 2023, the average interest return was 10.98%. We publish our interest return rates every month.

What are the management fees associated with each fund?

Series A: 1.25% fee

Series E: 0.75% fee

What are the terms for redemptions?

For amounts less than $5M, 30 days notice with 2% early redemption charge if redeemed in the first year of acquisition and 1% early redemption charge if redeemed in the second year of acquisition.

For Series E – see fact sheet

Can I reinvest my distributions (DRIP)?

Yes, you can. RealAlt® Investments offers a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP).

How can I invest in RealAlt® Investments?

How can I invest in RealAlt® Investments?

To learn how to invest in RealAlt® Investments, or request more information about the Trust, please click here to fill out our Investor Form, or contact our Dealing Representative:

Harshil Meraiya

416.484.9747, Ext. 21