
Diversify your investment portfolio

Access the strategies of ultra-high-net-worth investors through our professionally managed fund.

Why Choose RealAlt® Investments?

RealAlt® Investments is a private mortgage real estate investment fund with a focus on land and new home developments in Ontario. We offer individuals the opportunity to invest in commercial real estate mortgage investments secured by capital (land and homes), like Ultra-high-net-worth individuals do. By investing in the fund, non-accredited and accredited investors will gain exposure to the growing real estate market in Ontario.

Our innovative fund challenges old-school ideas about real estate mortgage investing, while capitalizing on the explosive growth of new home development in Ontario.


Total Mortgage Deal Size
$ 0 M


Year-To-Date Yield (Annualized)
0 %


Gross Development Value
$ 0 M

Our Investment Strategy

Our investment objective is two-fold: preserve invested capital and generate a consistent rate of interest income.

We invest in a diversified portfolio of land and new home developments, in first- and second-position mortgages. Our parent company and partner, Dorr Capital Corporation provides in-depth evaluation of all projects. This mitigates risk and helps preserve capital.




Our People

Brian Dorr


As the founder of RealAlt® Investments and Dorr Capital, Brian’s primary functions include managing the operations of RealAlt® Investments, a mortgage investment fund investing in medium-sized developers building new communities in Ontario. He also manages the Dorr Capital non-bank lending services, with over $2.2 billion in assets under management for land and new home construction in Ontario.

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